Our Vision & Mission
To be Apostolic in Principle, Practice and Power
Reaching - To reach souls with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and make Disciples
Building - To build faith in individuals and families through the preaching and teaching of God's Word, corporate worship, and fellowship
Developing - training each individual to discover and walk in their God-designed purpose and destiny.
His Presence - Connecting with God through prayer, fasting and true worship. His Presence must be our priority.
Relationship - Knowing God through personal relationship over religion. Understanding and finding purpose in God through His written Word, His Spirit, and spiritual authority in the earth (5-fold ministry)
Transformation - Embracing Your Identity in Jesus Christ. Taking on His Mind, His Character and His Authority.
Blessing - Living in God’s abundance through the principles of giving. We will give of our Time, Talents and Treasure.
Harvest - Reaching and Discipling all nations with the power of the Gospel. We will do this by being Disciple Makers, Community Influencers and World Changers.